Sex, Adultery and Romance at Work

Statistics show that the majority of workers have been in a romantic relationship at work, but it’s not all rainbows and unicorns out there. While some of these relationships end in marriage, most of them fail. Even more disrupting are the surprising number of adulterous relationships at work! With all this love, sex, drama and … Read more

Horrible Bosses

Bosses come in all varieties, but one thing is clear: Women are fed up with the behaviors of their terrible bosses. Whether they’re taking credit for your work or dismissing your opinion in meetings, a boss who devalues you can ruin your work experience. Instead of putting up with this, it might be time to … Read more

Mr. Magoo

Being “blissfully unaware” is not blissful for your coworkers. In fact people who are unconsciously incompetent run the risk of bringing down the whole team. Do you have a coworker who doesn’t seem to “get it?” Have you ever worked with someone who was totally clueless? What “stage of competence” are you operating in?  SHOW … Read more