When “Blah” Is As Good As It Gets,

Two motivational podcasters look sad while contemplating the concept of languishing at work

When you describe your mood as “blah,” “meh,” “decent, but not great,” you might be LANGUISHING, which can dampen your mood, impact your work and conflict with your ability to experience ease, meaning and joy! In the last few years, the feeling of languishing has been pervasive and profound, especially for women. But there is … Read more

End of the Year Tune-Up, Part 1

feminist podcasters reflecting on their year as entrepreneurs and working women

Reflection is important for skill building, mastery, self awareness and self assessment.  We learn from what happened so next time it can be intentionally the same – or different.  This is a key component to creating ease, meaning and joy in your life and in your work.  SHOW NOTES Today on Crina and Kirsten Get … Read more


Women look at camera with compassion and empathy

Cultivating an empathetic workplace is all the rage, but how do we do it? It begins with a commitment to ensure that empathy is baked into your workplace culture. Next, you and your coworkers need to be willing and able to recognize and respond to each other’s emotions. Finally, when you truly act in order … Read more

The “Good Enough” Job

Podcast hosts engage in thoughtful discussion about work

Is your job your singular focus or simply a way to fund your passion? Is your career the thing that defines you, or do you identify as something different…something unrelated to your work? Do we put too much pressure on our careers to deliver happiness? Ease? Meaning? Joy? SHOW NOTES Today on Crina and Kirsten … Read more


Top female podcast hosts convey feelings of burnout while gazing at camera

Burnout feels like depletion, exhaustion, disconnection, negative emotions and reduced capacity…sound familiar?  You’re not alone! In fact burnout is so pervasive that over seventy-five percent of the workforce is currently, or has previously experienced it.   SHOW NOTES Burnout is a  real diagnosis – and defined as “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully … Read more

Hold the line, Sister.

Healthy boundaries at work can make the difference between professional fulfillment or burnout. Boundaries are the physical, emotional, and mental limits we create to protect ourselves from over-committing, being used or behaving in unethical ways.  SHOW NOTES Boundaries separate what we think and feel from the thoughts and feelings of others. How to Define Healthy … Read more

Ready, Set, Rest!

Rest is so much more than sleep. Our minds and bodies also need rest from things like mental stimulation, social encounters, creative endeavors and emotional outputs. Taking time to truly rest your mind, body and soul is the ultimate self care regiment and a direct line to ease, meaning and joy at work, and in … Read more

Philosophy Can Change Your Work…

Stoicism teaches us how to keep a calm and rational mind no matter what. This ancient philosophy lends insight into understanding and focusing on what you can control while letting go and accepting what you can’t.  SHOW NOTES Today on Crina and Kirsten Get to Work our hosts do an archaeological dig into an ancient philosophy – … Read more

Holidazed and Confused

December is either a magical, mystical month or humans are so tired of the cold and dark that we have evented no less than 40 sacred or secular celebrations – all packed into the month of December – at least according to Wikipedia! SHOW NOTES Happy Holidays – well, at least Holidays with more ease, … Read more