Sex, Adultery and Romance at Work

Statistics show that the majority of workers have been in a romantic relationship at work, but it’s not all rainbows and unicorns out there. While some of these relationships end in marriage, most of them fail. Even more disrupting are the surprising number of adulterous relationships at work! With all this love, sex, drama and … Read more

Is it Time for a Career Change?

Is it Time for a Career Change?

The average person changes careers up to 7 times during their lives and experts are predicting this number will steadily increase. Automation, shifting economies and an ever-increasing number of career choices are some of the primary reasons that people, especially millennials, are jumping ship. SHOW NOTES Do you find yourself drained from work? Are you … Read more

Say, “No” and Do Less

Time management is a practice. It takes vigilance and commitment to protect your valuable time from competing responsibilities. Check out this episode to hear how Crina and Kirsten approach their work and their commitments in their busy lives. SHOW NOTES Following on the heels of episode 11, The Crushing Burden, Crina and Kirsten continue their … Read more

Dealing With Assholes

We just want everyone to be kind to each other, but unfortunately that’s not always the case! In fact people are overtly and covertly mean and rude to each other all the time. The good news is that you don’t need to put up with it. Join us as we explore your options for dealing … Read more

The Crushing Burden

It’s time to release yourself from the crushing burden of guilt as you juggle work, family and community. SHOW NOTES In this episode of the Crina and Kirsten Get to Workpodcast, hosts Crina and Kirsten discuss “the crushing burden” that often weighs on working women as they find themselves navigating work responsibilities along with community … Read more

Mr. Magoo

Being “blissfully unaware” is not blissful for your coworkers. In fact people who are unconsciously incompetent run the risk of bringing down the whole team. Do you have a coworker who doesn’t seem to “get it?” Have you ever worked with someone who was totally clueless? What “stage of competence” are you operating in?  SHOW … Read more