The Entitled (white, male) Co-Worker
Entitlement is an excessive self-regard and a belief in the automatic right to certain, usually privileged, treatment…hmmm…who does that remind you of?
Entitlement is an excessive self-regard and a belief in the automatic right to certain, usually privileged, treatment…hmmm…who does that remind you of?
Don’t mornings mean hitting the snooze and leaping out of bed at the last minute?! Of course, and that is what 69% of us do. But, how you start the day influences your well being, mood, mindset and productivity for the rest of the day.
When you are overwhelmed, you are experiencing intense emotions you don’t have the capacity to fully manage or process. Most people are overwhelmed by negative emotions, like anxiety, fear, anger or shame. These feelings leave little room to figure out what is the next best step. When we are overwhelmed, performing every-day tasks is difficult – and it compromises our ability to act rationally, remember things, solve problems or think.
Friendships at work make you feel better about your job, more creative, able to solve problems more quickly and so much happier. Having friends of any kind–from casual acquaintances to besties–will lead to more ease, meaning and joy in your job and in your life, not to mention help you feel less lonely in this crazy world!
Our Western culture has created a focus on work and accomplishment — to the detriment of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Instead, we offer that each and every one of us need… deserve… or rather, should demand more rest and relaxation.
As the end of the year approaches, many of us turn our attention to defining our next big achievement; new areas of focus; things we want to check off our list next year. But what if goal-setting isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be?
In this 100th episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, our hosts check in on the annual Women in the Workplace study and report from LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company
Procrastination is not just the act of delaying an action, it’s unnecessarily postponing things in a way that doesn’t make sense, and may even cause you harm. Sound familiar? Of course it does! Turns out that 95% of us admit to procrastinating (and the other 5% are probably lying).
When we talk about belonging at work, it means we feel seen for our unique contributions, connected to our coworkers, supported in our daily work and career development and proud of our organization’s values and purpose. When we feel a sense of belonging at work, we are more likely to stay, to be engaged, to be loyal, to be proud, to be better at our jobs and to experience psychological safety.
We are drawn social media it like moths to a flame – yet we always get zapped.