When “Blah” Is As Good As It Gets,

Two motivational podcasters look sad while contemplating the concept of languishing at work

When you describe your mood as “blah,” “meh,” “decent, but not great,” you might be LANGUISHING, which can dampen your mood, impact your work and conflict with your ability to experience ease, meaning and joy! In the last few years, the feeling of languishing has been pervasive and profound, especially for women. But there is … Read more

Success is Within Your Reach

Are you motivated to achieve the objective markers of success in your career such as money, power and status? Perhaps you are seeking more subjective things such as challenging work, recognition or autonomy. Regardless of how you define success, the way to achieve it is through deep personal work, commitment and grit.  SHOW NOTES What … Read more

The Fairy Dust of Effective Teams

Two women stand back-to-back, looking into the distance, contemplating teamwork, women at work, and how to support working women who need inspiration and motivation.

Teamwork doesn’t have to suck! In fact, magic can happen when team members tend to each others’ basic needs–most notably, their psychological safety. Psychological safety is the belief that you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. Seems like a direct line to ease, meaning and joy! SHOW … Read more

Are You Ready For The Future Of Work?

Two women clink glasses and "cheers" to the future of work, which is predicted to be more humane and human-centered

The post pandemic workplace is predicted to look very different from that of the past. With changes to our lives, our shifting priorities, the low unemployment rate, and the different expectations we have of our jobs, workers are driving change at a rapid rate.  In this episode, we explore a new study that reveals the … Read more

Caring for Caregivers

Crina and Kirsten make finger-hearts over their chests

Women occupy the majority of roles in education, social work and health care. We spend our work days caring for the young, old, sick, and infirmed. We teach, care, give, love, nurture, heal, and serve. Our work educates the next generation, provides a safety-net for the vulnerable, heals the sick, and feeds the hungry. This … Read more

Five Traits of High Achieving Women

High Achieving Women Smiling

High-achieving women accomplish their goals, are highly skilled, and get the most out of themselves and their experiences; whatever they may be.  They approach their careers and their lives with five key themes: agency, authenticity, connection, self-clarity, and wholeness (according to research from the Center for Creative Leadership).   Agency is fundamentally about us being the captain … Read more

Hack Your Job!

Job Hack Podcast

Workplace hacks can help you streamline your tasks, maximize your work space, adjust your attitude and even control your co-workers (just kidding!). Best of all, these tips and tools can get you closer to ease, meaning, and joy!   SHOW NOTES On this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work our duo discusses workplace hack … Read more

Fear Is A Powerful Teacher

Woman comforting her friend

Fear has the power to motivate us to act; educate us about who we are; inspire us to change; and provide us with so very many opportunities to find ease, meaning and joy.  SHOW NOTES Today on Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, we are talking about FEAR!!  We can do this together – pour … Read more

What To Wear?

Two women having fun discussing what to wear at work

OMG…Who doesn’t love talking about clothes? Not only does that outfit make you look super cute (yes, we’re talking to you, friend!) your clothes affect your feelings, how your job performance,the environment, and other working women! Clothes are another opportunity to make choices about how we live in and show up in the world.  We … Read more