Friendship at Work


Friendships at work make you feel better about your job, more creative, able to solve problems more quickly and so much happier. Having friends of any kind–from casual acquaintances to besties–will lead to more ease, meaning and joy in your job and in your life, not to mention help you feel less lonely in this crazy world!

The Fairy Dust of Effective Teams

Two women stand back-to-back, looking into the distance, contemplating teamwork, women at work, and how to support working women who need inspiration and motivation.

Teamwork doesn’t have to suck! In fact, magic can happen when team members tend to each others’ basic needs–most notably, their psychological safety. Psychological safety is the belief that you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. Seems like a direct line to ease, meaning and joy! SHOW … Read more

Caring for Caregivers

Crina and Kirsten make finger-hearts over their chests

Women occupy the majority of roles in education, social work and health care. We spend our work days caring for the young, old, sick, and infirmed. We teach, care, give, love, nurture, heal, and serve. Our work educates the next generation, provides a safety-net for the vulnerable, heals the sick, and feeds the hungry. This … Read more

Resilience: How to Survive (and Maybe Even Thrive!)

Two women podcasters laughing

WOW! Resilience is amazing! Not only is it a powerful tool to minimize stress, improve performance and create more ease, meaning and joy…it’s something we can all develop in ourselves! Simple, daily practices have proven effective at building resilience and helping folks deal with difficult situations; manage emotions and generate a positive outlook about life. … Read more