Trust Your Gut

Trusting your gut is about trusting yourself. It is about trusting the most important person in your life – YOU!!  Trusting your gut means you make better decisions, decisions that are true to you and you learn you are reliable and trustworthy!   SHOW NOTES Crina and Kirsten are on a big high from a listener … Read more


When the future is unknown we tend to unravel, but is this the only option? While our brains are not trained to settle down in uncertain conditions, it is possible to survive and even thrive when life, and work, is up in the air. SHOW NOTES Our hosts on Crina and Kirsten Get to Work … Read more

So, You Just Lost Your Job…

Many of us are out of work and struggling to manage the very real, difficult reality of losing a job. Whether you were laid off, furloughed or are simply concerned about your job security, we want to help you manage the emotions, examine your situation and make a plan to move forward. SHOW NOTES In … Read more

You Need More Vacations

Taking a vacation is one of the most effective ways to improve your work, change your perspective and recharge your batteries. Now more than ever we encourage all of you to find ways to disconnect and focus on you. SHOW NOTES This episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work is all about VACATIONS!!  Yeah!  … Read more


We all feel anxious at work sometimes, and for some, these emotions impact performance, relationships with coworkers and the quality of their work.  SHOW NOTES On this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work our terrific twosome analyze anxiety in the workplace. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about an imminent … Read more

Isolation-Loneliness in the Workplace

Loneliness in the Workplace

At a time when we’re connected to each other 24/7, many workers report feeling isolated, lonely and lacking genuine connection. In fact this reality so common that researchers have begun calling it a, “Loneliness Epidemic.” The antidote: Human-to-human connection. SHOW NOTES Social interaction at work is incredibly important, yet many people feel the effects of … Read more